Thursday 29 January 2015

Maintain your mystery

In a world where most people have been exposed,
maintain your mystery.
Let the cover of your book,
be inviting, only to the worthy reader.
Someone who has the ability
to understand as they flip through 
the pages.
Someone who's able to read.
Someone who's able to re-read,
over and again without getting bored.
Someone who's able to treasure the contents.
Someone who'll genuinely benefit from the book.
Someone who'll fight to protect the book.
Someone who knows that the value on the market is less than what the book offers.
Someone who wouldn't shelf the book till it's covered with dust,
because they were busy reading other books.
Maintain your mystery.

Your mystery is your ministry.
The more you show the less they guess.
Let the trailer to the movie be suspenseful.
Let the trailer make people want to pay to watch the movie.
Let the trailer be a mystery.
See, what use is it, to watch a movie 
you already watched as a trailer?
You don't expose the movie before the release date,
before it's ready for the big screen.
Let the movie be worth it,
that they'll look forward to the sequel.
Let the movie be the best movie they'll ever watch.
Save the spoilers, save the pre-shows.
Don't run out of content,
maintain your mystery.

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