Monday 13 February 2017

White Cap

[The King's Poet] Croxt:

keep looking up,
the snow done fallen.
There's a white cap on every summit.
Where I come from,
you only see this
on top of the mountains.
Crowned and honoured;
a mile in my shoes,
begin to see beauty
for what it really is.

all houses crowned,
blessings done fallen.
There's a good vibe to every success.
Where mi comes from,
you only walk with
so much to be done.
Loved and respected;
a mile in your shoes,
beginning to see your beauty
for the joy it really is.

the deep rising,
love done risen.
There's a silver lining to every cloud.
Where we come from,
you never walk alone
there's beauty all around.
Graceful and uplifted;
a mile in our shoes,
beginning to be beautiful
for that is who we really are.

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