Wednesday 6 August 2014

Soul Speak

Soul Speak,
let our souls speak,
let our souls utter,
the things that matter,
speak to each other..
Let the lips of our souls touch each other,
speak to the peak of their voices,
make noises,
make choices,
to speak..

Speak the unspoken thoughts of our being,
speak the unbroken chords of our thinking,
make music to dance to,
poetry to snap to,
words of wisdom and knowledge, to live up to,
heights so high to reach up to.
Let our souls speak.
Let MY soul speak!

Yes. Let MY soul speak..
It's dying to speak,
it's dying to live and let live,
to express the unexpressed,
impress the unimpressed!
My soul seeks for heartbeats,
a background beat to it's lyrics,
a living rhythm to it's unspoken words!

Let my soul speak, just let it!
Let it speak in tones and undertones,
you never knew existed.
Let it speak in vocals,
you never heard at any recital.
Let my soul speak, just let it!
Let it speak to your soul...
Let them converse.
Let them chat.
Let them have a tete-a-tete,
face to face,
soul to soul..
Let our souls speak!!
Let them speak and promise me,
yes you, you promise me, that.,
you will be willing to listen.
You will be willing to listen to the words of old that are gold,
that will mold and behold,
you will stand bold and unashamed,
wiser and grown.
No regrets.

For before we begin to strip down naked to our souls,
ungag them and let them speak,
fearless of retribution,
unbound to persecution,
in our mentally conceived jail institutions,
our souls will not be free..
They yearn to be free,
they long to be released,
they desire to be out in the open,
unrestricted by what the society has taught us.
They are desperate to be freed..
Free to speak, free to teach,
free to express our inner emotions,
our will to live,
our drive to thrive.
Hashtag #TeamLetOurSoulsSpeak

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