Wednesday 3 December 2014

The game of patience

Impatience, a name of pain;
a game insane, 
pain for the plain,
a claim to the thrift,
a drain to the swift.
One step at a time,
there's no need to rush,
pushing edges down,
crumbling bricks down,
reasons to frown,
an anchor to your feet,
to drown.
I can't breathe,
it's suffocating.
The thought, intimidating..
The thrill is amazing,
the results, 
. . . not comprehending.
The harder they ball,
the faster they fall.
The want now,
the need now,
When can I breathe,
breathe in then breathe out;
. . . slowly comprehending.
What's the speed limit?
& the reading on my meter?
The brakes come screeching,
the effort comes scripted.
Doomed to fail,
too fast a stride.
Did I run too fast,
too fast past the finish line?
It's crazy.
The need to be hungry,
and the thirst won't be quenched.
One sip at a time?
With all this wine???
The curtains close fast,
faster than they opened.
The thrill of the moment,
is tripping.
Am like a dry sponge 
that absorbs too fast,
you can't even blame me;
I'm learning.
Taking that one step at a time;
learning to be patient.
I am mastering the game,
the Patience Game.

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