Tuesday 1 January 2013


iBetter recall, re-visualise then relive,

Troublesome mind with thoughts meant to leave,

No. This is my home where I'm supposed to live,

I shred the thoughts to pieces *phew* relief.


iBetter be that person I dream in my dream,

Wholesome enough; nothing less, nothing trimmed,

A package;not baggage; crème de la crème,

No sadness ; smiley face and a grin.


iBetter work smart like the ants in a hill,

doesn't look manageable, big bucks on the bill,

Good rest & sleep ; No smoke,drink and pill,

Sober minds staggering ; daggering might kill.


iBetter be better ; better than the rest,

Better live better ; better than the best,

Anywhere that's better ; either east and or the west,

that's why iBetter ; laid it off from my chest.,

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