Thursday 18 June 2015

Ri$k for a dollar

My two cents, please, if I may.
May-weather is the worst still.
A little bit indecisive, (to rain or not to rain)
but punches you the hardest.
The debts come calling,
your bank won't stop calling,
phone bill won't support calling.

They play too much in the streets,
they don't know how hard it is at home.
So, I'll take a risk for the dollar.
I'll peel my skin off if I have to 
and I'll fight the wars you're too afraid to win.
I'll take a risk for the dollar.

I'll put a helmet on top of my head
and put my hands to work.
The roof might collapse, I might fall into a ditch,
these things happen,
but I'll still take it.
I'll take a risk for my family.

My eldest brother dying of cancer,
my sister crippled with debts from her school loans.
I'll take a risk and prove the world wrong,
even if it fights my being right.

I'll devote my life to the skies
and fly planes that might crush.
I will take people places and 
they will trust me with their lives.
I might die one day on this,
but it's a risk I am willing to take.

The night harbours the darkness 
I wholeheartedly run away from.
The lust, the desperation, the evils
I'm clueless about.
The thieves pry the streets and
the homeless are a nuisance some times.
I feel your pain just
don't pour your life frustrations out onto every
Tom, Dick and Harry.
Their minds are their biggest problems,
ours all.
But I'll work as a night-guard. I will do it for the dollar.

I will stay awake and sleep less
since coffee is my new bestfriend.
She understands me,
even if my books don't 
and neither do I, them.
My parents are paying too much money
for my education and I do not want to disappoint them.
See, I don't even know how I will use
this program in the real world out there.
I have so many questions and 
an unspoken fear of failure.
It eats me but I'll take the risk.

My only sister is sick in hospital.
Doctor's said she's dying soon
and she's the only family I have left.
I have no money and I've heard 
stories from my friend, Judy,
that I can do what I hate most
to survive.
I don't want to sell my body 
and I know the diseases out there
swallow you whole.
They eat you from within.
My body, my temple; I don't want to give you away.
I have run out of options
and I definitely do not want to take this risk,
even for a dollar.

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