Saturday 12 December 2015

You know what to Expect

[Of Paths not Taken] Croxt:

All caterpillars have the divine capability to one day become butterflies. It's chances mostly and hope and carefulness and the ability to be patient that sets it free. We are given fires we do not know how to play with and if we miss a step we walk right into them and its burning. A skillful soldier knows when to step into the battlefield and you don't call for war when you're not ready. To be skillful, practice is needed. You can never be realistic if you're not real to yourself. You dream too big and it's okay. You dress the part and it's okay. They don't believe in you yet and it's still okay. You ask yourself too many questions and it's also okay. At least you know what to expect. Nobody ever told you it was going to be easy and you've grown enough to see that it's not. Hardened hearts are like onions to me. They make me cry sometimes. Why would you break the trust you had in yourself because someone broke the one you had in them? The hardest you fight on, the brightest your butterfly wings become. It's a given but you have to earn it. Stay strong and stand your ground. Move your will beyond the horizon. To be out of reach, each step counts. You get what you expect and if it's disappointment you're afraid of, don't be disappointed in yourself. Learn to fear nothing. Learn to embrace change. Learn to grow no matter the environment. Learn to be the best version of only yourself. Yet when you dive into your possible possibilities, don't dive in too deep to lose yourself. Love yourself enough to know what's enough; without setting for less. The wings are already inside you. You just have to learn how to work them. And once the sun is out, the leaves will be expecting you to land on them. You already know what to expect.

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