Thursday 18 February 2016

Building Bridges

[Free At last] Croxt:

The ones who make it out of the mental torment that keeps them small from the world, begin a new life. The hardest paths to take are the ones we find ourselves walking through and we keep walking hoping for the best. Yet, people are different. The ones who build bridges above the rivers they had to swim across despite the dangers encourage me the most. They see a value missing and offer access. They abound in relief and pass it on to those who need it. They wipe away the tears of this world. They forget not where they came from and what they had to go through. They remain positive and are willing to grow. They are my favourite kind of people. The hard times they get to go through do not break them and their hearts remain warm no matter how cold they have been treated. Peace is their strength and their potential is always realized at the end. They make an impact. So as fear takes grip of many hearts, I hope serenity sets you free and instead of building walls to close yourself in and the rest of the world out, you will build bridges and connect the world to the best it has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. Oh this one speaks to me the most right now. Thanks for writing this piece. I love it!
