Wednesday 3 February 2016

Phoenix Rising

[The Mvmnt] Croxt:

And because the sun will shine on me tomorrow, I ready and prepare myself to be at the very best version of me. I am myself's hero; the one who carried myself into a better beautiful place. I have been ready. & to be ready really well, you will need to know what you seek and what's important to you. Be wise in your endeavours and fail your hopes not. Hope till you can't lose; win till you can't lose; fight till you can't lose. You are a champion and champions rise from the ground. Rise from the bottom and find your way to the top. A rebirth is when you discover yourself for you. It is that time you appreciate your thoughts for what they make you become. Wish and hope for the better things, pray for the best things and believe for the everlasting things. You are granted what you seek and if you seek right, you never miss a chance, a moment or glory. We have come to find our weaknesses as we saw them or our friends did were never really that. We have always been special. No matter how hard it'd ever get. We are the heroes we've been waiting for; the leaders we've been hoping for; the greatest we anticipated for. If you know the right way, you can never lose your way. So I'm learning what's right and I don't have to stumble to understand. I master. I learn and I keep my lessons. I arise to the occasion and arrive at my intended destination. Don't let them cower you. Your age never really mattered. I am of the knowledge that if we know now and know it really well; we won't have to search for answers to the questions we wouldn't have anticipated then. We learn now and we keep rising.

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