Thursday 4 February 2016

Obey your Thirst

[The Mvmnt] Croxt:

If you thirsty, you already know what's up. There's some things we need and our bodies crave them when we have to have them. The soul needs nourishment as well and to be honest, you'll always find what it needs if you're conscious enough to search for it. It is only in the right drinks we find our quench and if it still burns your throat, you might need something more. The streams keep flowing and the well never dries up if we search well enough. The oceans are vast and the lakes dig deeper. The rivers of life find their way on the surface and if you know what to choose to let sip in, you'll always pull the required strings when it's right. We are here not to fight but to find our paths. If you're mistaken you're right, we don't have the time for petty business. The clock is ticking, our agenda is on schedule and to the plan we're sticking. Obviously we've come a long way and it's because we obeyed our thirst. Our thirst for growth and the hunger for knowledge. If we're going to get there we need to know where to look and what to find. The pages in our books are beautifully typed in and captivating to the eye. If we run it's because we've picked up our pace and not because we're being chased. At this speed, nobody can reach us. The papers have been submitted and I first believe whatever I write. Words are powerful and they've set me free. These times are wonderful and the feeling irreplaceable. I am making strides and leading the way. If you don't like where I'm headed it's never too late to create a new path and sing a new song for yourself.

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