Sunday 23 August 2015

Dress good; Good dress


Classy men are classic beasts. You dress who you are, not necessarily for people. That's what I've learnt. And by the way, are we all not cut from the same cloth but handed to different tailors? Argh. Can't we all be the same? Afforded the same luxuries? Things like these piss me off. So a lion without his mane is a cub. Boys will be boys but men will dress well. Who are you? Who do you think you are? Who do you wish to become? Fire. From our forethers. Firefathers. It's impossible to not find even a single man who dressed extraordinarily well for his generation. Find your pattern and fit into it. Become yourself and change your wardrobe. Better yourself. I know responsibilities crowd our minds; we are fathers, guardians, brothers, role models. Tell me how you still do not see why we should all dress the part? How? Let's face it., it never has to be suit and tie but always dress well head to toe. To rise to the top you need to be doing what others are not and that's basically dressing the man you want to become. Don't be afraid to be labelled overly ambitious. Any king would rather that than all else. To be well presented, well groomed. And it is the flower that emits a more beautiful scent that attracts more bees wanting a part of it. And only sweet things come out of it all. Honey. Hurry and change your wardrobe. And dress your heart too. Be well dressed inside as out. Don't false advertise. Men really weren't born to fake it till they make it. No. They were born to wear their armour and take its responsibility. Let's all men, at least, look and smell good for our ladies. Let's play our part. All these beautiful ladies go through a lot sometimes to look good for us and it's only fair if we are grateful and considerate enough to dress good and remember to tell her how she's always looking good in a good dress.

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