Thursday 27 August 2015

Sifu, the Kung Fu poet


Throw praises to the eagle unchained fighting her own battles fiercely and with ease and fluidity, only she understands, in the wilderness of thought and unanswered intellectual curiosities. A vapor in the wind but a torrent of cascading sequence of knowledge upon knowledge that she stumbled upon as she sought to find herself. She's an eagle, I rehash. An eagle who rehearsed her thoughts until they drove her to her constructed destination. "It's all in your mind," they had said but don't you know dreams come true! I've seen limits broken and reversed before and evil crushed to powder. Formless and ashed into the oceans like a jar of someone's remains. I've seen the ash sink into the pits of the abyss as I rose my way to the top, directly facing the sun. I'm grateful to the Giver for my vision. It stands undistorted and I descry even the unseen. My eyes are bigger than most but because I've grown them to see even the unseen. It's because I need to eat and as we all know, a drowning man will clutch at a straw. So I ready my boat and stock my ship with enough supplies. My wings would rise me above the waters, but I have no need for fish. I eat what pleases my stomach, what befriends my tongue. And every morning I pray that my prey is at the right place at the right time of the day and because I've risen way above my limits, high-soared beyond imagination, I have touched the face of God. He kissed me back. With favour, with life. All I ever desired. Now, there's power cased in my heart that He only holds the lock for. There's thunder in my heart when it beats and a flash of lightning pumps up in my veins. When it rains and I can't take it anymore, the lightning escapes through my eyes touching the ground, an impulse of divine thought. So I've procured the meaning of life on so many levels and distinguished my desire for a good life. I have extinguished impossibilities and all the bullshit that comes along with it. I have dared to dream. & now, like Martin Luther King Jr., I have a dream. The Kung Fu dream. To be a master like Sifu. She's everything perfect, her endeavours scream victory. She is skillful in all she does and the energy she has spent cultivating her work has been time well spent! I want, most importantly, to strengthen my body and mind, learning and perfecting my skills. Excellence achieved through long practice. I am patient, I'll do the time. I'll perfect Wu Shu, the art of war, and when I rise up to the occasion, I'll flap my large wings and rise up far beyond the eye can see and I hope then, I'll be worth making a movie about.

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