Sunday 2 August 2015

But a man with intentions


I am just but a man with intentions. Each as every King is, has his own, some lead by circumstances. We plan, but in my faith, God allows. So the tiny specks of need in our veins and boiling blood, drives our will, our desire to get, our motive to intend. I'll pretend I know you and tell you why I think we are different. Until we figure out how we are not. But to be honest, my heart has its impurities but I have tried as much to clean it. I clean my thoughts and wash my words. I bleach them sometimes too if need be. Somethings should be spoken lightly about. The more we drown into conversations about the unimportant the less important our thoughts become. So you grow to love the fruits of silence in pursuit of more wisdom. You connect with yourself more because, trust me, you are your greatest teacher. Teach yourself the things of this world, know your way around most things. Want to know. Mostly, for yourself. Yearn to grow and you'll earn your bow. See, people are obsessed with things that don't even matter. They lose sleep even over the smallest non-issues. If your eyes are hugely concentrated on the smallest things, how will your attention be drawn to the larger things unless they start moving towards you, to pin you down? Let's make sense. Let's have intentions that are defined and well-thought. Seek guidance when you have to. You don't have to do this on your own. Own the night and owe nobody nothing. Hold no evil intention in your mind. Let go of anything that your spirit fights against. It's human to rebel but then again, it might stray you away. Don't get lost trying to seem smart. That's dumb. You are not special over anyone. Never think of yourself better than anyone. Let others speculate let them do their statistics. It's not yours to elevate yourself. Stay humble. Grow, but stay humble. Do good and expect no repay, that's how your heart sends thanksgiving above. You surrender your selfishness and the skies bless you a hundredfold. You just need to trust. Nowadays, times have changed. We all want to seem better. We are losing ourselves in a mayhem intending to prove a point. We waste time. Then again, never ever forget to have fun. Don't dull. Go out there and enjoy yourself. Start with the smallest moments with yourself. Amuse yourself. Let your friends know you're willing to make them smile. Be there for everyone, don't seclude yourself. We find meaning in these things. If it's to travel you wish to travel, grow your wings and fly. Let nobody tell you it can't be done. Tell me how, we have people who label things impossible yet have never had the courage to try. Don't listen to them. Climb the mountains you desire to climb. The higher you go, the "cooler" you become. Be a light. A role model. Teach only the good vibes because everyone already has their own tormenting them. Preach peace. Not indifference. Understanding and respect. You will learn to open the closed doors with a secret knock. The ones who find it, find the key to happiness.

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