Tuesday 19 January 2016

Breadcrumbs to Greatness

[The Mvmnt] Croxt:

The journey is my joy and there's plenty more time. I won't want to stop let alone think about it. My palms are full of goodies and there's room for more. Look, I've been blessed with my daily bread and if you also guessed it, you was right.. My prayers get answered. On the path to greatness, there's more that shows up if you know where to look. How to listen & how to feel is how to find. Stay aware and pay your fare. As I walk, I chant a song of freedom. To realize that the things I've always wanted and wished for are now in my reach. A little more effort, a little more time. Money I'll make and everything you call success I'll take. I am not on the rise to make anyone jealous or envious. I'm here to prove it's possible. That's why I will never shy away from leading the way. I've seen traps set that were off the track. & even when we are asleep, Lord you've been our wake. I keep walking because nothing can stop me. The seeds I'm sowing are guaranteed harvests and that's why I do more. I reap what's mine and I keep on going. I will stumble not and even if I was to come falling, I'd never hit the ground. I would bounce back into the skies because the world is my trampoline.

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