Friday 22 January 2016

A Beautiful Perspective

[The Mvmnt] Croxt:

To create in itself is beautiful. Yet to create something beautiful takes time and effort. Bring the scissors to the table and cut out what you don't need. Bring the glue along as well and stick up whatever else deserves to be in the picture. We are here for a good time maybe not a long time and in this season we got shortchanged so we had to pull some strings of our own. The media will be abuzz for our attention and straight like soldiers we will keep it at ease. We know what we want so we're busy as bees and if times could get any better, they'd get as easy as this. I'm cruising through life, I got the right speed-dials. If mans trying to steal what we worked for, mans already sold it for himself. We know the right people, we do the right thing. If you came here to win; I am the right people. I'm buzzing greatness and if it's beauty you seek, just ask the right questions. Follow me to the honey trap where it's as sweet as it gets. I'll give you permission if you play by my rules and if it's strange and all up in our business, we sting like a bee and float like a butterfly. The headlines are bigger and the pictures are on fleek. They've seen a rising star and they wake with it. They follow the light because darkness there wouldn't show up. We are covered warm through the winter and in the summer we pick up the pace. I am on the highway to freedom and stability is my friend. Go tell them they should know about us. We've been doing enough and I feel like we already deserve the credit.

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