Saturday 2 January 2016

Mood: Unbothered

[Straight in the Mood] Croxt:

Reflecting back, I guess the mirrors always believed in my light. The light bounces off me as well and radiates my way. So far, there's little I know and much more I'm willing to learn. The secrets on a journey are revealed as you travel, once in a while, unlocking new levels. You must first be willing to play the game. Insert your feet into the water, test it out, not too deep at first and let fear leave your depths. You are so much more and I hope you'll tell this to the mirrors you face. Take time off your busy schedule and look to see. Papers and timelines of schedules you couldn't beat. If they told you you couldn't, they are only right if you believed them. If they called you less, they will be right if you don't gather more. I'm willing to challenge you for a change. No one out here believes in others anymore. If you've lost too much already it's hard not to believe in yourself or thrust trust into situations. To a real hero I say; "Stay unbothered." The seas might be rough and the time might be running out. The clouds might be farthest and the pain might be loudest. What's the most you can do for yourself when all exits you thought existed are closed and your window is closing? When you're cornered, you tend to panic and run the most. Sometimes, it's unnecessary. You can't play drama when the theatre school kicks you out unless you never needed school to help you believe you can act. The things we put our hopes into and trust in might fade into the distance. The skies might grey out and the crowd might boo you off the stage. The press might spoil your name and the arrogant might spit on your face. There's true confidence and then there's ego. You have zero in true confidence if you're at 100% ego and personally, I'd rather have my 100% in true confidence. Your patience will strengthen you and time will give you more options yet never wait until the vibe is long gone. Move on with confidence for better tidings and do better enough to even out the odds and right the wrongs. Learn from your mistakes. Learn even from your strides; all the steps you take. You are more than a champion and life is a battle you already won; otherwise, you wouldn't be here.

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