Saturday 9 January 2016

Visine to be Seen

[Straight in the Mood] Croxt:

I see what needs to be seen. I am always looking forward to my next learning lesson. When you know, like really know, that's when it makes the most difference. Are you a saint or are you a sinner? The ears are straight and the eyes are narrow. The bar is set really high where crawling babies wouldn't reach. It smells phenomenal and you can tell it's about to be one blaze of a night. Probably a lot more lit. The highlight of the night was when we did what we came to do. & when we do it, we done did it best. We outdo ourselves. We go the extra miles. There's jurisdiction around here and we take only what is ours. Come see. The way they are doing it is the right way I showed them. If you're stepping out, step out to be seen. Mostly because you'll still be seen. Stay visible and with your vision in sight. Dress for the occasion and properly dress the occasion. Go colour life around you. I see you see what I'm talking about. Let's not mix things up and let's not be shy about it. We were born ready and willing and to remind you; it's never too late to learn something, anything. Let your plans be well calculated and your moves visible. Try what you can and leave the rest to God. The more you're willing to progress the further you'll reach. It's fine to be different so don't be awkward about it. There's fire in my eyes, fire in my heart, fire in my soul; a light that no one can ever put off. Stand your ground and guard your own. I figured you could use some motivation so you're welcome. Let's not do it just to be seen or hard. The right intentions and right direction to your destination. I know what I want and I hope we all get what we want. Stay visible and don't hide too long till you're forgotten. Let's make a story. I know someone out there could learn from what we already know.

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