Monday 14 September 2015

Trigger Fingers


Twitter fingers turned to Trigger fingers. 140 characters for a memorable tribute. Which, to me, is enough ammunition. See, torment is admirable from a distance and once immersed into its depths, you have to recall all those you admired who fought through it well and how they did it to survive through it all. For me, I have always admired courage, speed, strength, power, thoughtfulness, kindness, being considerate, ability to find happiness on your own, flexibility, peace and the ability to love above and beyond our differences. So yah, strength and power are two different things. Because with power you know you won't have to lose a drop of sweat sometimes. & for now. Power, you are accountable for while strength you might just as well depend on it. We imagine a lot of things and we are allowed just as much as we seek. Judged as much by what we speak. When we imagine, we build or destroy worlds and by then do we imprison ourselves or break the bonds that tie us. We have always been free. But what breaks us is even more so unseen. It's in our minds and it deceives us. It seeks to punish because we've "chose" our torment. But what if we could take all the pleasure minus the pain? What if we could breathe fire to our problems and make ashes out of them? Like they could try catch us but if we ran a bit faster, we could easily take off before anyone could grab and cut off our propellers. So we don't even seek shortcuts, they come to us. To those who wait. To those who practice patience. A light focused onto darkness expels it. We seek inspiration instead because victory only meets preparation & you kinda need to know when and how to keep moving when the going gets tough. It's funny how most of these things are not physical yet we torture the body for the pain in our hearts. An umbrella only covers the area under it from the rains and if it stings harder where it bit, throw the covers away and dance in the rains. Amplify your small voice and don't let anything look bigger than you. You are bigger than everything. You are a giant in the midst of everything you'll never fear. So walk with caution not to step on the small ones and move with grace so that everything might be at peace with you. It is well that you may be successful in everything you put your heart to do. So conquer the universe and still keep your soul. You don't have to lose it; you don't have to sell it. Look not for faults in others but build on the things they have that can make them better. Don't ignore those in trouble and could use your help. We become angels like this. Fear no evil even if you hear and see it. Make sure you also don't speak it. Our words are merely a reflection of the going-ons of our minds. Don't be troubled and don't seek trouble. What happens when your trigger-fingers become softer than some chicken fingers?

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