Friday 18 September 2015

Joy Ride

[Habits of Winning] Croxt:

It's honestly a joy-ride and I haven't felt like this in a long time. Light up the candles and let the blessed smoke from their wicks rise us up to a higher occassion. I am unsatisfied by the number of drinks I have drowned tonight and I plead sobriety to the events ongoing in my mind. It's a lifetime of opportunities if you knock knock once and straight up open those doors. Then you don't waste time waiting for an answer and yet there could be no one inside. I'm no magician but I've tasted the salty tastes of luck and if you were to bet me to it, we would hit a rollercoaster of levels we haven't tuned into before. We are heroes, born winners. Even the children tonight sing the same silly songs we taught ages ago and some pages ago I wrote about how I kissed a girl and I liked it. It's tastes like these that might keep me awake at night but if she would look in the mirror from that day onwards she would believe she has always been beautiful because, yes, she has. And diamonds are mined only in the fields that were chosen before we gave them their worth. I'm super down to earth and I rarely brag the many blessings the good Lord has always granted me. I'm sane and feelings of remorse would drive me insane. So I seldom take some things seriously and it pisses off some people. I do not run head over heels for things that do not add value to my life. Don't you know that some of the best compliments are anonymous? Because then, they know that you need nothing from them. Still, you appreciate them, even from afar. I'm the head of a team that always wins and even if we lose, we lose in class. We win schools of admirers and now the mayor spoke to me about how he admired my courage. Let's call a spade a spade because the big spoons were tossed out last night. The anthem at the parade they played was written by me and if you still doubt I have touched the skies on one of my joyrides, then you should come with me.

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