Thursday 15 October 2015

Have faith and go to Niagara

[An Apple a Day] Croxt:

In Niagara, the good tidings fall. So you could expect me to reach out to a thousand stars to feel the droplets of water breeze into my face. I have been a worrier before but now, a distinguished warrior. I worry not; I seek solutions. Let's embody our purpose and we will taste what true beauty tastes like when we meet it. For the truest of emotion is hidden in genuine feeling. If the emotions you entertain feel like anything else, you fell short on your own. Yes. Because we hold people accountable for the things that they are not. And with enough pushing and shoving we make them believe in theirselves less. The hugest human deception. I'm not alarmed we seek shortcuts because, really, the motive is the judge. To do injustice to one is to do injustice to yourself. If you do not want to try this out for yourself then do not try to fight whatever you feel against. Genuine feelings. If you only want the good things for yourself but your "friends," why does this equation feel incomplete? If you happen to be happy for them just as long as you're doing better than they are, what are you saying? Because the self is a shelf and the more we're welcoming, the more the books will stay. If we are selfish enough, we might never fill up a library. And it goes without saying that you create space on your shelves for only the books worth reading. Books you would love to go back and read again. So don't let evil books harbour space on your shelf longer than they should because someone else might use their pages against you. Don't let pretenders steal your happiness; read right through them. It's when you take a trip away from the city that you feel the peace you had been needing and when you come back, you come back full of life. You refresh your buttons. So have some faith and go to the falls. You might be lucky enough to watch your worries fall away into the depths of the river below.

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