Wednesday 28 October 2015

Has Never Been

[An Apple a Day] Croxt:

I'll take you to places you has never been. Mostly because I really want to get there and I also do not mind some company. So if you're willing, let's throw a dice and see where we land. Let's take some kites and see how far they'd rise. Let's grow some wings and see how high we'd fly. Let's dive into the oceans and see how deep in we'll survive. Let's go to places we has never been. I bet you are yet to land on the moon. Honey streets and well-decorated amusement parks. A dozen of milk stands that could make me do a bunch of flip-flops. Summer salt in sweet garlic prescriptions. Beautiful cake icings on a Christmas tree. Where every thought lingers and in your hair flows through my fingers. The sun rises and we are projected to the world. They know our names. Mostly because we were brave. They change locks of keys to places we called home and we change our vision to something greater. The music is amazing and I could dance in your praises and answer your prayers. One little thing I keep forgetting is that I knew you even before I found myself. And you walked beside me when nobody else could. One little other thing I'll never forget, is that unlike so many others, you are still willing to forgive me and come with me to places we has never been.

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