Monday 26 October 2015

The Baker's Equation

[An Apple a Day] Croxt:

Some prayers we pray rise up and find their place among the clouds. They are answered and sent back into our bosom in the form of rain. And every cloud has its silver lining. If you work hard enough, golden. I have walked in the shadows and deserved all these medals I won. That's why when I met this baker, I quickly baked all the questions I would ask him? Tough but necessary questions. Unlike many others, he understood some really brilliant concepts. His bakery was his kingdom and everything he ruled reigned. I became an admirer. Because sometimes, people really do not present the type of people you thought they were. That's why I've taught myself to never judge but to walk in the truest of principles that guide my heart. I celebrate life and just like Mr. Baker, he seemed to enjoy his, pretty well as well. "Ah, I have been expecting you!" He preferred to call me Syntax and he loved what I said. He broke down his royal equations and I calculated to prove enough that he was on top of his toes. Great conversations fade in a blissful way. As if they'd prefer to be forgotten. Then when you remember them, it's a beautiful memory. I guess when they said "Practice makes perfect," they actually meant it. To be great, you need to be prepared. It has never come easy.

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