Sunday 11 October 2015

Rip the lipstick off your lips

[Habits of Winning] Croxt:

I am a King but you don't have to act like a servant around me. I come humble. And as it is with great men, I stay humble as well. See, the cold winds of the night have put the sun gladly to sleep and it's only in the weariness of the moon that the sun comes back to save the day. So I am in many ways like the sun. I'll go to many places around the world and back. I flip the coin and heads is what I get first. I have learnt well to step ahead. And ages and edges past they'll call me the brightest. I'll continue to give you heat and light till I can't burn anymore. The drums are rolling and the beats are catching fire. The anthem of the night has been the solace we seek during the day as we sit at our workstations. As I have said before, seek your inner peace and you will rest in good faith, afraid of nothing. Because, let's face it, the more we grow, the less we can not conquer. It's the ones who desire to learn that grow. So seek to elevate yourself. Stay away from evil and do the good deeds. It's the good ones who can change a heart thus change the world. Start with yourself and you will find your voice. Make it your choice to impact the people you interact with. Let them know what you stand for but never shoving it into their faces (or ears). Everyone has their battles and it's wise to understand this. Show respect and have some life in you. That you can bless and touch the ones who have been broken. It is in healing others that we find our own cures. Breathe medicine and kiss fires till they calm. Let confidence be in your gait and power be in your voice. You have been kissed by life so ignore the burden of your pain and exhale beauty into all that surrounds you. These lips are written "kiss me" all over them and it's only fair that I rip the lipstick off them as I read the words imprinted on them. I love you, too.

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