Thursday 12 November 2015

Stay in your Lane

[Habits of Winning] Croxt:

I'll tell you about God-speed when I speak to you. You see the problem between you and I is that you fail to make sense. I've seen high mountains that I had to climb up and down to my destination. No shortcuts. The path was slippery and the rains did not help. The car was skidding and the snowstorm reduced visibility to almost zero. Now the sun is starting to burn in our eyes and the stars sparkle us through peaceful sleep. I'll try and explain my situation to you as clearly possible as I can. Of course I do not expect you to believe me but I could care less either way. You can take away from me my money, my time, my clothes but you could never take away the experiences that have built me. They say Rome was not built in one day and I say some things truly do take time. The good things; for those who hope, to those who believe. I'll be your Romeo & you could be my Juliet. But never for a second think I'll end my life to find our love. There's enough time for that. So you obviously do not know me well enough to be talking about me the way you've been talking about me. You clearly do not know me well enough to be talking crap about the things I've done you'll never know what they meant to me or taught me. Unlike you, I understand things in a clearer sense. I've taken time to work on myself. Close your eyes for a minute and see things through the eyes of your heart. There are some things you will say that I will fall in love with. There are some last minute things you'll say that could never make sense. If you do not know what you're talking about, find your peace, find your place and stay in your lane. Please and thanks.

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