Sunday 15 November 2015

I am an Actress

[Habits of Winning] Croxt:

I am an actress. Or so I choose to think. I am your most perfect actress. Or so I choose to believe. I have danced on stages, sung into mics and became a different person for your eyes. I am an actress and I only act what I feel. I make it feel natural and easy for your eyes; clear for your mind. I am an actress. & an actress knows what needs to be done, for her to become the girl in the script, the woman in the script, the voices in the background, the air that the audience inhales. I am an actress and I never pretend to be someone I'm not. I know myself better that's why I understand others better. Fill these shoes and join the stage with me. A thousand eyes will watch me and a million others will admire me. I am captivating, I am the story. & vanity I have that I can wake to fight another day. I want to be better, to better my steps. To sharpen my voice. To shake the world. I am confident. In everything I do and in every word I say. I am creative and never will run out of ideas. I see something, I make it better. I am physically fit and if it's to dance I should dance, to dance I will dance. Brilliance is within me. Insight is what I have. I show respect and expect it back sometimes. I get professional with this. I stand tall and I stopped being shy. I work on end. Even in the weekends. I polish by rehearsing and brush clean my dancing shoes. I am an actress; and I successfully bring believable characters to life.

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