Wednesday 18 November 2015

Men don't Protect Women anymore

[Of Paths not Taken] Croxt:

If some things give you the reason to fight for existence, then I dare you to protect them. The wise farmer knows well how to protect his farm and increase its productivity. So children will rise into the next generation and adults will pass on what they have learned so far in life to them. To make them at least better than they have become. The next swing proves the prowess of the first. Practice makes perfect and if progress was our only reason to live, then I'm doing a great job all by myself. Listen to the teacher and I'll school you a few things. If your life depended on it, wouldn't you defend the women in your life? Don't do it if you never needed one to exist. But why are we afraid of being overshadowed yet some of our shadows would never even shield the ones we love from the heat of the sun? Obsessed over the wrong things, oblivious of the important. What drives you? What are you chasing? It's true, mad stray dogs might be unpredictable. So we walk with our eyes open. Subscribe to my poetry it's where I scribble the things I wish I'd say out loud on a mountaintop. I give hope freely and even the heavens believe some of this things will get better. I played the blame game once and nobody won. We all lost. Lies are good to tell but the worst to live. Love is the hardest to find unless you've found some in yourself first. So it's clear, not every man is actually one. Teach your women how to teach your children. We've disguised ourselves proper but it always gets a hold of us before we get too far. Same mistakes generation after generation. So I'll dance in the moon and I'll rise with the sun. The speakers are too loud but the DJ hasn't arrived yet. The dancefloor is full of amateurs who are convinced they know what they are doing. So we are in love with ideas more than we are in love with ourselves. Pursue your truth and you won't waste anymore time. We are children of the music and our women created the tunes. You dance to rhythms you do not understand even though you disrespect the artist. Isn't that enough disrespect to yourself? Let's not compromise. Let's go back and start from scratch. It might hurt, it might be hard. But nothing feels more fulfilling than growth. You know what to do. It's in our blood and your vision is electric. Uphold the women in your life and see yourself uphold your world. I am in love with words and I will use them to fight for our women and children and find the way you could choose to follow. The problem has never been with the women. It's the men who have refused to take up their responsibility to protect. And protect here is a big word.

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