Wednesday 4 November 2015

Dear Queen

[Today's Heroes] Croxt:

Dear Queen,

I hope you knew this was coming. Because it's here now. A chance on the throne; a crown on your head. But before you become it, you must have deserved it. Or desired it enough. So, I'm proud of you. You did well. And before you assume your position in power, I'd love to point out to you some tidbits on effectiveness. Of enchanted castles and royal night gowns, you sweep clean the palace with one look from your eyes. Respect. You have it and you give it to everyone you meet. You know you are more than yourself and you walk like it, head-up high. The vibrations of your voice shall shake fear out of the hearts of men and your commanding presence shall be worshipped. Do good things and go your way; you've never needed payment for the things that cherish your heart. You are awake and nothing passes you by, you know whatever is going on. You see the sins for the sins they are and the good deeds for the rewards they deserve. Compassion. You do not fail to understand. You've put yourself in other people's shoes and you've felt their pain. You don't do cheap talk even with your closest friends. You challenge them to think bigger and say their words better. You stopped being petty and now you seek solutions. You seek better reasons. You stopped waiting to be served on a silver platter and fought to dine from the golden high-tables. Your name is praised because you inspire others to dream. You remember the time when nobody paid any attention to you? You remember the time you almost thought you'd never be something? I know how it feels, trust me. No value, no importance, no motivation, no guidance.. Just negative shitty vibes that you chose to rise above. One step at a time is what it takes until you're fit enough to wing the full marathon. Show them the way and lead them there. Reprimand them if it gets into their head. You don't always have to be "something" & when you become a Queen, you are more than just that. You are a galaxy of your own whose finger touch would cause ripples in the oceans of any Kingdom. Straighten your crown and sashay your way to your throne. It's your name I want to hear being sung.

Yours gracefully,
The 6Poet.

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