Saturday 28 November 2015

Etch a Sketch

[Of Paths not Taken] Croxt:

Make no mistake to the things that matter. Many times I've found my drafts to be way better than the complete art I sought to paint. So somethings are completely perfect incomplete yet unlike humans, could stand on their own. I am a huge fan of progress and subsequent perfection. I'll go to great lengths to ensure I'll keep on going. I'll play with the waters and flow with the waves. I'll serve my quota and pay a quarter more to everything I've damaged. Because I know well we are fragile beings; our emotions and peace of mind as fragile as ever. That's why I protect mine. I keep them safe and close. I don't let people play with them carelessly. Because they do that. I see things coming. If they are not for me, I get out of their way. It's times like this I'd sit down to write a poem I believe in. Yet, when I look I see people sketching things they have no clue about. Dig deeper, beyond the surface; reach higher, beyond the sky that is your limit. We are boundless. I took off as a rocket and found my place among the stars. When you see one blink in the distance, it might be me saying hello and I believe in you. A thousand men could knock on my doors of wisdom and could never break in. Yet even a million. If you come in peace, I will relate. If you come with skewed intentions, you will not hear from me. I write and people like how I play with words. That was then, now I use them. I use them to say things from my heart. If they happen to sound good in your ears, you're welcome! A bucket of fresh vegetables and a pile of dirty laundry on the carpet, like who did this? If we are bound to our dreams and bonded to our past mistakes we never learnt from then am moving pretty fast towards my destination. An apple a day keeps your hunger at bay and if in any way you saw what I did there, people are hungry. Etch a sketch for the people who need you and if it ever feels yet to be perfect, keep on going.

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